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December 2015

Baby's room, Home Decor

Treating the baby’s room as the new main room

For most people, the living room inside their home is the main room and they treat it as such regardless of what the decor involves. However, once a baby is on the way and you are about to make a room for it, you should shift your mindset to thinking of the baby’s room as the new living room, so to speak. Your living room will no longer be the central and most important room of the house, as this honor will now Nursery-Rooms-Light-Pink-And-Polkadot-Wall-Decal-Sophisticated-Nursery-Room-Decoration-With-White-Convertible-Baby-Crib-And-White-Drawer-Also-Unique-Pendant-Lamp-Trendy-Lighting-Bedroom-Design-Ideasbelong to the room where your baby resides.
This means that you will have to pay a lot more attention to the design and decoration of the baby’s room than you did for any of the other rooms in your home, including the living room. In fact, most of our living rooms aren’t even that special, mostly consisting of some randomly placed sofas and a TV around which the family gathers. This can’t be the case with the baby’s room, as every piece of it needs to be added in accordance with the specific needs that toddlers have.
When designing a baby’s room, you need to think about each and every thing that your child might require during its stay there. Some of the most obvious examples are hygienic requirements so that the child can always feel clean, even after relieving itself. This is facilitated through the addition of a specifically designed cupboard on which you can change the child’s diapers quickly and efficiently, maximizing the child’s safety and minimizing your effort. The cupboard should also be filled with all sorts of readily available hygienic accessories, like powders and clean diapers.
The crib inside the baby’s room is comparable to the couch or sofa in a living room, in that it is the central piece of the room and one that needs the most attention paid to it. It should have very comfortable padding as the child will be spending most of its time there, and the comfort of the inside of the crib also dictates how easily the child will be able to fall asleep, in turn reducing your stress. The crib should also have high enough walls that the child can never climb them in attempts to explore while also having holes allowing the toddler to observe its surroundings.
Another reason why the baby’s room will become the most important room in your home is the fact that you will be spending much of your time there. Whereas before you would have spent most of the time in your home inside your kitchen, eating and preparing food, as well as the living room where you relaxed on the sofa and watched TV, you will now largely be relocating to the baby’s room in order to provide it with the biggest amount of care possible. As such, a baby’s room should also be decorated in a way that will make the parents’ stay there almost as comfortable as the toddler’s through the addition of cosy furniture on which you can sit as you look over your child for many hours.
While using your living room is a good frame of reference to the amount of attention you need to pay when designing the baby’s room, it’s by far from the ultimate one. While some people will have living rooms that don’t include much and aren’t a particularly pleasant environment to spend time in, this doesn’t mean that they should let themselves go easy on the baby’s room decor. Even if the rest of the home isn’t of a particularly notable design, the baby’s room should still be made following the highest standards of baby’s room decor.

Floors, Home Decor, Rugs

Tips for cleaning wool rugs

Cleaning a wool rug is, in many ways, easier than cleaning your regular synthetic rug, because wool offers natural resistance towards dirt and stains. However, you also can’t use any method you can think of XR90100203WH-01to clean your rug, as the results will go from aggravating the situation to utterly ruining the carpet. Wool carpets tend to cost a bit more because their longevity makes them an investment, so why ruin this investment through improper care? Even if you don’t dream of once passing on your wool rug to a younger generation, you are still responsible for maintaing its vitality and ensuring its life expectancy isn’t cut back a hundredfold. Yes, wool rugs are very hard to catch fire because of wool’s naturally resistant fibers. Once a fire reaches them, it is immediately extinguished. Does this mean you should carelessly drop things containing fire or embers such as cigarettes, lighters or matches onto the rug? No, because it can leave a mark and is generally not a nice thing to do. Sure, wool resists moisture the same way, and when liquid falls into a wool rug, it isn’t absorbed for a time. Doesn’t mean we should spill our drink over the wool carpet and think it will take care of itself, does it? Instead, we should look to act as quickly as we can, before the fibers get soaked in a liquid, and use a water-vinegar mixture to remove the spill. This does not mean scrubbing –endless stains are caused by misinformed carpet owners scrubbing the stain in like there’s no tomorrow when they’re supposed to blot instead. Check any and all documentation for your rug, including the cleaning instructions. They will often give you an idea of what you shouldn’t use while cleaning your wool rug. Chemical cleaning agents, in particular ones containing alkaline, are almost universally a bad choice for wool rugs because they can damage the fibers and stain the carpet, possibly even more than a regular spill would. This is why it’s best to follow a method of cleaning you’ve thought through, basic but not simple. After you have gotten rid of all the dust and dirt through a combination of shaking and vacuuming, you can sponge the rug gently with a mixture of soap and water. If the carpet is a big mess, you might want to precede this step by hosing the rug down thoroughly. Once done sponging, rinse it with water well, not letting any soap stick with the rug. From there it’s all about drying the rug as quickly as possible. If it’s sunny outside, your best bet is to leave the carpet out to dry. If it’s not, pay extra attention to wringing and squeezing the carpet for liquid, and throw in some gentle towel wiping to really make sure no moisture is left. Never go against the instructions provided by the rug manufacturer, as that will often damage the rug on top of voiding your warranty. Keep your wool rug as clean as a sheep would its wool, and it will serve you just as faithfully.